Treatment Information

Dr Peter Mason ADHD & Psychiatry Services Limited offers medical treatment for ADHD. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE; March 2018) recommend medication as first-line treatment for adults with ADHD. Medication is effective in reducing the symptoms of ADHD in up to 80% of patients.

There are 2 main types of drug used to treat ADHD:

  • Stimulants: Methylphenidate (often known as Ritalin) and Dexamfetamine.

Stimulant drugs work quickly, usually within half an hour and are available as immediate release and slow release. Immediate release stimulants usually last for less than 4 hours, whereas slow release stimulants can last from 8 to 14 hours. Slow release stimulants have the advantage of once daily dosing.

Stimulants are ‘controlled’ drugs. This means that you will need to provide proof of identity when collecting from the pharmacy.

  • Non-stimulants: Atomoxetine and Guanfacine

Non-stimulant drugs take a long time to work, often up to 1 month. They have the advantage of a much longer duration of action than stimulant drugs and they are not ‘controlled’ drugs.

Please click on the link below for more information about the medicines available to treat the symptoms of ADHD and associated mental health problems.

To compare the different medicines then the following link is particularly useful: 

The decision about which medication to use will be based on several factors including what you hope to achieve with treatment, presence of other conditions (physical and mental) and your personal preference based on information provided by Dr Mason. At follow-up appointments the dose of the chosen medication will adjusted according to your response to the treatment and presence of any side effects.

Medication will only be started after a review of your physical health and checking your blood pressure and heart rate.

Non-medical treatments

Dr Peter Mason ADHD & Psychiatry Services Limited works closely with the ADHD Foundation who are able to offer a range of psychological treatments. See the link below to access the ADHD Foundation website.

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