Dr. Peter Mason ADHD & Psychiatry Services

Information for GPs

Information for GPs

Dr Peter Mason ADHD & Psychiatry Services is keen to work collaboratively with colleagues in primary care to ensure the best care for our mutual patients.

Dr Mason is happy to provide advice about ADHD and its’ comorbid conditions, contraindications and drug interactions. He will also assist where there are safeguarding concerns.

Dr Mason will follow local shared care agreements when patients are stable on their medication and prescriptions transfer to primary care.

Dr Mason is easily accessible for advice by email or telephone:

Email: info@adultadhdliverpool.co.uk
Phone: 07305 963230 

For GPs who wish to further develop their understanding of ADHD and its treatment, Dr Mason would be happy to advise on training opportunities.

GP Training Module

The service sponsors a systematically evaluated online training module for GPs which is accredited for the purposes of CPD by the Royal College of General Practitioners.

Information for GPs

Dr Peter Mason ADHD & Psychiatry Services is keen to work collaboratively with colleagues in primary care to ensure the best care for our mutual patients.

Dr Mason is happy to provide advice about ADHD and its’ comorbid conditions, contraindications and drug interactions. He will also assist where there are safeguarding concerns.

Dr Mason will follow local shared care agreements when patients are stable on their medication and prescriptions transfer to primary care.

Dr Mason is easily accessible for advice by email or telephone:

Email: info@adultadhdliverpool.co.uk
Phone: 07305 963230 

For GPs who wish to further develop their understanding of ADHD and its treatment, Dr Mason would be happy to advise on training opportunities.

GP Training Module

The service sponsors a systematically evaluated online training module for GPs which is accredited for the purposes of CPD by the Royal College of General Practitioners.

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ADHD & Symptoms

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Existing Patients - Book here

Treatment Information

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New Patients Information


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